£1000 for help during the buying and selling process.

Up to 100,000 people buy a home every month. 90% of those who are selling get advice from an estate agent but most buyers think they can do it all themselves. Of course not everyone can justify a bespoke buying service but now you can get help from our Pocket Agent service. Help for anyone looking to  buy or sell, to rent or let all for £1,000 including VAT.

Whether it’s about your next move, cashing in your pension to reinvest in bricks and mortar or picking up the pieces after a relationship breakdown, we can help you to understand the options available to you and provide guidance on where to look, what questions to ask and who you can trust. Already used by people preparing for a sale, by divorcing couples looking to find two homes from the price of one, those struggling to compete with other buyers at ‘best & final offer’ situations or by folk just hoping to find a reasonably priced home, the Pocket Agent can help you to unearth the answers to your property problems such as;-

  • Where to look.
  • How to work out the underlying value of a property.
  • How to calculate the yield.
  • How to unearth homes that aren’t on the open market.
  • What not to tell an estate agent when viewing.
  • When to make an offer and help in making a bid.
  • When it pays to pay a fee.
  • How to choose the best selling/letting agent.
  • What work is worth doing to your home before you sell or let it.

This is a ‘reactive service’, the fee covers calls, emails or video chats and answers to your questions on anything to do with moving. We don’t actively search for a new home but if you would like help when looking for properties or are unsure exactly what to tell an agent or when to make an offer then you can get further advice at that time.

We charge a one off fee of £833.33 plus VAT (£1,000 in total) for the service. If you would like to sign up please send an email with;
– Your name
– Your address
– Your mobile number
– Your email address

and we’ll be in touch.


  1. We first used Henry’s Pocket Agent service in 2020. He was hugely helpful in a ‘best and final’ situation. That purchase ended up falling through for other reasons but he continued to offer advice on our next search as part of the service, and we wouldn’t have secured the property we now call home without him. Highly recommended.

  2. We decided to use Henry’s pocket agent service following an advice from a friend and we were very happy we did. It was our first encounter with London property market and without Henry it would have been a lot more stressful. At moments when one has a tendency to overthink, Henry brings clarity and reassurance. He won’t decide for you, but he would make the thought process so much simpler and a lot more practical. He’s always super fast with replies, even during weekends. Pocket agent is an absolute must-have for anyone buying a home!

  3. We recently made use of Henry’s pocket service when buying a home. This was our second time buying, and we wanted to avoid some of the mistakes we made the first time. We already had a prospect in mind, and Henry’s advice throughout the protracted bidding process to offer acceptance was extremely valuable, helping us reason through everything clearly at each stage. The advice is direct and no-nonsense and Henry is very quick to respond to queries. Hoping I won’t have to repeat the buying process any time soon, but would definitely recommend the service to others!

  4. Even though we knew what we wanted and where we wanted it and what our budget was, we decided to use Henry’s pocket agent service. It was well worth the money and I would recommend without hesitation to all. Tbh, if we were doing it again (please god no) I would have coughed up for the bespoke buying service. Henry was instantly contactable throughout the process. He gave no nonsense advice about the properties and knew the ins and outs of individual agents and deals. We offered on 4 properties, one fell though at a late stage and have finally exchanged on one today. Add to this a massive phishing scam… it makes for a tale to tell (one day). Throughout the process Henry gave excellent advice and ‘called for backup’ when the s**t hit the fan so to speak. So… excellent value for money, always available, always objective and pragmatic advice. Thanks so much Henry.

  5. Sound advice received and acted upon, we finally secured a deal after trying to buy for over 18 months!

    Great value for money, would use again

  6. I recently used Henry’s Pocket Agent service when buying my new home. Although I have lived in the UK for over 10 years, I was finding the London property-buying process a bit overwhelming and therefore decided that I wanted the support and expertise that Henry had to offer.

    I had numerous conversations with Henry, and found him to be professional, honest, responsive, direct and knowledgeable in all respects. We had a preliminary conversation about neighbourhoods, types of properties to concentrate on and ensured that my budget and expectations were in check. We then had several conversations about particular properties, when I found ones that were of interest.

    Henry was forthright and direct with his knowledge, and had good knowledge of various London neighbourhoods. He offered excellent advice on strategies for finding a property, negotiating a reasonable price for the property, and also helped deal with tricky seller’s agents tactics. He set me straight when I started to get desperate in the process, and also provided encouragement when I started to lose hope! He was definitely a strong ally throughout the entire process.

    Overall, I was really pleased with the Pocket Agent service, and thought that £600 represented excellent value. You would only be too fortunate to have Henry by your side in your property purchase – I highly recommend him.

  7. We used Henry’s Pocket Agent service so we could have some professional support of our own in the buying process. It was my 3rd time around buying a place, but we were still not particularly expert at it and the sums under discussion were now larger than ever! Henry was tremendously helpful: he gave excellent advice on key steps in the process when we needed it, kept our desperation in check through the pandemic crisis when pickings were slim, and guided us through crucial negotiations once we had a place in our sights – he deserves much of the credit for the £30K reduction we secured post survey. Not a bad return on £600.

  8. Henry’s pocket agent service is an absolutely stellar service. Henry saved me countless hours by telling me which properties I should not bother viewing. He then advised me on the level at which i should make offers (which lead to obtaining a property at nearly 100k below asking price). He advised on which surveyors and lawyers to use, and provided extremely valuable advice on how to survive a gazumping attempt (without having to increase the offer). All in all the £600 spent on this is the best investment I ever made.

  9. I’ve used Henry’s Pocket Agent service to help me with both a flat that I’ve successfully sold and property I’ve sought to buy. His advice is so valuable – pithy, witty, no nonsense and actionable.

    Importantly, he won’t always tell you what you want to hear, which makes him an excellent objective sounding board during a stressful process where emotions can obscure rational thinking. He’s also very quick to respond to emails, texts and calls and never lets anything go unanswered. Altogether thoroughly recommended.

  10. Henry brought clarity and harmony to a chaotic and unnerving process of selling and buying during the pandemic summer of 2020.

    Always responsive, empathetic, and pragmatic, Henry kept me (and my husband) on an even keel throughout the whole process and provided invaluable sense-checks when the many moving parts of the house sale and purchase started to overwhelm us.

    The pocket agent service was invaluable to us and is money well spent.

    Thank you again Henry.

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