If you read the headlines you’d think we were going to hell in a handcart! Stubborn inflation means rising interest rates leading to some serious pain for the 800,000 borrowers coming off 2 and 5 year fixed rate mortgages in the next 6 months. The Office for National StatisticsContinue Reading

A trip to Wogan house to chat to Jeremy Vine about the merits of encouraging older people to move somewhere smaller and perhaps more suitable and free up their larger home for someone else to move into. Kirstie Allsopp had mentioned the idea earlier in the week. My chatContinue Reading

The monthly house price updates have landed provoking some discussion & some alarming headlines. UK house prices fell more than expected and by the most since 2009 in March, according to data from mortgage provider Nationwide reports the Financial Times. House prices fell by an annual rate of 3.1Continue Reading

He stood up and spoke for an hour and a half but in the end it turned out the famous red box was empty, there was nothing in his Budget for the housing market, no changes to tax and nothing specifically on Stamp Duty which some tax consultants hadContinue Reading