According to Hamptons data £30.9bn-worth of property changed hands without public marketing in 2021, according to an estimate by a property fund. In an interesting article in Prime Resi it is estimated that nearly 100,000 homes changed hands on the “off-market” – which in this instance means quietly marketedContinue Reading

Whilst fashionable to have a wild stab in the dark about what might happen to the housing market I’m afraid I can’t – yet. Everything changed with the mini-Budget but that was only two weeks ago. In April one group of financial prognosticators said they expected house prices inContinue Reading

Following last weeks mini-Budget there has been turmoil in the money markets. On Tuesday 1000 mortgage products were withdrawn as lenders try to re-price their offerings as bank base rates head towards 6%. 12 months ago you could get a 2 year fixed rate mortgage for 1.6%. Today theContinue Reading

My comments to Jeremy Vine following the ‘mini-Budget’ that turned out to be anything but! We’re joined by Robert Colvile from CPS Think Tank who is a supporter of the changes being introduced.Continue Reading

The amount of stamp duty you pay depends on the cost of the property. Chancellor Kwasi Kwarteng announced new rates for England and Northern Ireland as part of the government’s mini-budget. These are: £0 – £250,000 (£425,000 for first time buyers) = 0% £250,000 – £925,000 = 5% £925,000Continue Reading