In summary, there wasn’t much for housing – to make it easier to move or encourage more people to move. To make homes greener or to build more social housing. Little to help tenants or to encourage landlords & nothing new for those facing steep rises in mortgage costs.Continue Reading

The first house price forecasts for 2024 are appearing despite the threat of recession, inflation (CPIH) still over 6% and interest rates held by Bank of England at 5.25%. 5 Year fixed-rate mortgage are available at 4.8% but many are higher. First out of the trap are my oldContinue Reading

Not everyone, apparently, likes ‘experts’ but if you prefer your property advisor to know a little about what he’s talking about then;-ִI’ve been doing this for 40 years.We buy £100m worth of property a year andI’ve done over 1200 tv & radio appearances introduced as a ‘property expert’.Continue Reading

Back in 1951 the Conservatives stood on a house building platform and saw the return of Winston Churchill who over-turned a Labour majority that had been elected just 20 months before. To be fair they (the Conservatives) had been on about building more in the 1950 Election but itContinue Reading

If you want to keep up to date with the latest house price forecast, the latest stats on prices, rents or how to deal with an unaffordable mortgage then the BBC has it’s own housing ‘home’ page. Go to Reading

UK house prices have recorded the largest annual drop in 14 years reports the FT as rising mortgage costs pile pressure on the property market, according to data today from Nationwide. Prices for July fell 0.2% on the previous month and by 3.8% compared with the same month lastContinue Reading